Banking regulation around the world(II)

In addition to the centralised single financial regulatory system, let us look at two other types of financial regulatory systems: the two-set plurality banking regulatory system, exemplified by the United States, and the one-level plurality banking regulatory system, exemplified by France.

In the US, the supervision of financial institutions is divided between the OCC, FED and FDIC. Some agencies are responsible for this(Shenghu Wang,2013). Banks in the United States are divided into federal law banks and state law banks. In recent years, in order to adapt to changes in the economic and financial environment, the US government has begun to reform this supervisory system, replacing the original system of separate regulation by institution with a system of separate regulation by financial services function.(Min Wu,2007)

The French banking sector is regulated by the Banque De France, the Conseil National de la Crédit and the Commision Bancaire, which oversees compliance with banking laws and regulations, monitors thefinancial situation of banks and ensures that they are operating in a sound manner. The Banque De France is responsible for carrying out on-site inspections. The National Credit Commission is responsible for the registration of banks, the examination of their capitalization, their legal status, etc.

Each of the three models of financial regulation has its own merits. Whether the objectives of financial regulation can be achieved depends largely on whether they can be adapted to the country's economic development needs.


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